2024年1月19日 Kelvinの助言 P5に求められるもの




国連という組織はD1やP5がSubstantive matter expertと管理職の両方を兼ねており、組織を動かす核となるランク。




1 Communication skill

Express cleary and precisely what they do.


2 Programme management skill

Design starategy and articulate point A and B with evidence,  in order to achive results.


3 Ability to get along with people. proactively approach stakeholder and communicate but show clearly what you can compromise what you cannnot compromise.  


Managers in UN have to protect yourself. The higher you go, the lighter your touch should be. Don't use a stick. You just show a model, but critisize your staff. Take out all emotions. Express appreciations "nice try", "good job".